Northeastern University Ballroom Dancing Club

Meet the 2017-2018 E-Board


President: Kathleen Newcomer, Year 5. A Computer Science/Biology student, Kathleen is originally from the midwest. She has been competing with ballroom since the start of her freshman year, and her favorite dances are all of them. When she’s not dancing she really enjoys baking, outdoor activities, and playing really nerdy games with her friends.


Vice President: Katie Krajovic, Year 4. A Computer Science/Biology student, Kathleen is originally from the midwest. She has been competing with ballroom since the start of her freshman year, and her favorite dances are all of them. When she’s not dancing she really enjoys baking, outdoor activities, and playing really nerdy games with her friends.


Treasurer: Erica Dunn, Year 4. New Hampshire native Erica may have only started dancing in her freshman year, but she hasn’t really stopped since. She's a business major (accounting concentration) excited for her third year at Northeastern, which aside from classes will be full of dancing, movies, and... probably a few movies involving dancing!

Tony looking Italian

Secretary: Anthony Gironda, Year 2. From Kingston, NY, Anthony majors in Physics and Mechanical Engineering. Despite never saying so, he goes by Tony within the club and fills the role as both secretary and on-call stand up comedian. Outside of the dance world, Anthony plays both the guitar and the accordion.


Social Chair: Sahaj Kumar, Year 2. Sahaj joins us from outside Rochester, New York, bringing his impressive contemporary dance skills. Majoring in computer science and minoring in physics, Sahaj is boiling down dancing to a fine science. He'll be putting together all of our super-fun events throughout the year.

Helmet Head

Co-Captain: Elif Coskun, Year 2. International student Elif is a political science and economics major here at Northeastern from Turkey who's really excited to be one of this year's co-captains. She's great at giving helpful dance advice, and ready to have another awesome year with NUBDC.

Helmet Head

Co-Captain: Gino Jacob, Year 2. From the golden shores of California, Gino brings his contemporary dancing skills with him. Majoring in computer science, Gino also enjoys art and design outside of the ballroom scene. He is very excited to be teaching the next generation of newcomers!


Mascot: Appa Bison. Appa attends competitions to cheer on the team and offer encouragement. He is also an accomplished dancer in his own right, having recently won his first ribbon this past spring. Appa gives great pep talks, and looks forward to another great year for NUBDC!